Saturday, 15 September 2007


(paying you a special birthday visit)

courtesy of ziggi and murph!
(see, zig, murph got Freddie
to fit into the post box!)

how it started out:

a gift for today only. . .

especially delivered
in a lovely green post box. . .


Rog said...

Best I could do here ... my paw/mouse techniques is a bit shaky in the evening.

I, Like The View said...

murph that's fab!!! thank you SO much

just hope dave isn't too drugged up to appreciate it. . .

or maybe it will seem even more surreal if he's off his head?

ta very very muchly!

Zig said...

That's brilliant M and I, but where do I stick the stamps??

Dave said...

He's just landed with a crash in my porch, and is now eating the plants there. Hope he enjoys the crown of thorns plant.